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About us

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We are a married couple from Sweden, deeply passionate about gastronomy and traveling. Our shared interests have led us to explore some incredible destinations.

We also personally designed our blog and photographed everything, capturing the essence of our journey together.


She enjoys a diverse range of cuisine, with a particular fondness for spicy dishes, while avoiding slimy or raw foods.

In addition to her passion for food, she holds the title of a certified sommelier and has a Master’s degree in psychology. This knowledge proves invaluable in her relationship with her husband 😉

Fondly, she affectionately refers to him as a “marshmallow” due to his impatience, a playful nod to the famous psychological experiment known as ‘The Marshmallow Test.


He has been self-employed his entire life, starting out as a photographer and now taking pictures with his iPhone. He also has a sommelier education. He is a relatively adventurous eater, willing to try most foods, though he draws the line at offal, insects (green ants are okay), and eggs.

When he’s sick with a “man cold,” he tends (always) to ignore his wife’s advice. He hates flying, but he hates even more the idea of staying at home.

Affectionately, he sometimes calls his wife “cupcake” because of her sweet personality.

“People who love to eat are always the best people”

Some of our favorite places

At least, the ones that we can agree on…



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Package outside the door this morning 🌅😋🩵

Package outside the door this morning 🌅😋🩵