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Review: Restaurant Äng

Restaurant Äng - From Architectural Elegance to Culinary Disappointment.

Restaurant Äng, nestled within a stunning greenhouse amid the picturesque fields of Ästad Vingård.

We have read since the last visit that Äng had incorporated buzzwords like ‘sensory experience,’ ‘sleek minimalism,’ ‘harmonious textures,’ and ‘custom artworks,’ emphasizing local ingredients and, lastly, a holistic dining experience. Expectations was high.

Swedish squid with something fermented.

We were greeted at the door, seated at the bar where snacks are prepared in front of you, accompanied by a glass of champagne (Ok, it took 10 minutes to get a glass, slow tempo.) Afterwards, you are led to the elevator down to the wine cellar, where the sommelier greets you, and it’s time to choose a wine package or an individual bottle.

Then, the door opens, and the first thing you see is the one-star Michelin sign as you step into the spacious restaurant. After finishing the meal, you return to the wine cellar in an adjoining room for cheese service. Finally, you end up where you started for the final dessert dishes. 

Accidity bomb in one bite. / Nettles & Green Chili

So, what could go wrong?

Strap yourself in and bring plenty of Omeprazole pills. We’re talking about almost toxic acidity in the dishes, like in the nettle dish spiced up with some chili. And if we had taken a shot every time they said ‘fermented’ when presenting the dishes, we definitely would have ended up in the emergency room.

Quail & Potato


The organization appeared to be lacking in coordination, which left the guests feeling uncertain. For instance, when we finished our service at the bar, nothing seemed to happen except for a period of waiting for the elevator to go down.

The most noticeable wait occurred after the cheese courses in the wine cellar. Once our service was completed, we had to wait for 20 minutes before we were given the green light to use the elevator to go back up. It felt much like a pilot circling before landing due to heavy air traffic. However, in this situation, we could stand up while waiting, and the only ‘traffic’ was the presence of other guests, who were not numerous.

The food was far from balanced; the flavors were going in different directions. The recurring theme was ‘fermented.’ They must have an entire fermentation factory hidden somewhere.

We believe that those unaccustomed to dining at Michelin-starred restaurants will find Äng fantastic. However, guests who frequently dine at Michelin establishments may be disappointed.


Yes, we did choose the expensive breakfast at Äng, a whopping 1,000 SEK per person. While it did feature more of the restaurant’s signature elements—fermentation, acidity, and caviar—it wasn’t without its highlights. The coffee was delightful, and the Madeleine cakes were a pleasant surprise.

The breakfast was better than the dinner service but still left us longing for the breakfast at our upcoming stay at Hotel Dorsia in Gothenburg

Mandelein cakes at Äng

Mandelein cakes


Impressing but no wines from the "new world".

Wine pairing

We choose from the wine list.




One-star and a Green star.


Second time.


Highs & lows

The bottom line

Will we return?


Worth the money?​

